Welcome to the Future of Teamwork

Future of Teamwork is a weekly newsletter featuring insights on productivity, communication, and culture in the workplace. In your inbox, every Friday morning.

“In a world where we are drowning in information, Future of Teamwork offers concise, actionable advice for teams to consistently learn new things and drive impact.”

Why subscribe?

The way we work is changing, fast. It’s time to accept that the way we work together has a significant impact on both our team’s effectiveness and happiness. Even small habits can either break your team or unleash it. We are here to help you with the latter.

Future of Teamwork exposes you to ideas and curated resources every week that shape your mindset, helping you and your team be truly exceptional.

Who are you?

My name is Conor. I’m helping shape how teams work together at Hugo - bringing your meetings, notes, and tasks all in one place. I’ve worked on data science and growth at internet companies including Mastercard, Unity, and Squarespace.

What are you waiting for?

I think you’ll get a lot of value out of Future of Teamwork. The newsletter will always be free, and we’ll never miss an issue. Why not check it out? 🚀

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Weekly insights on productivity, communication, and culture in the workplace


Growth at Hugo